Help Choose the Winner of the PupWise Healthy Pup Challenge – Cast Your Vote Today!
pmoore referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
randallblanchard completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
ellisjohn completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
anthony34 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
blang joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
gloriawatts joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
millsangela just submitted their entry for Buster.
ramirezmichaela just submitted their entry for Oliver.
dylanwilcox completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
kimberly66 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
garzachelsey completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
jonesallison completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
yowens joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
jacksonlester just submitted their entry for Buster.
kimberly85 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
xwelch completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
gregoryhorn joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
austinsmith completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
susansolis referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
mdavis referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
staylor completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
duane42 just submitted their entry for Oliver.
clara referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
carterjustin joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
ethompson completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
norma61 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
dawnmurray joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
dorothymoran joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
gregory67 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
baileyalyssa just submitted their entry for Buster.
belinda83 referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
clairepatel joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
michael42 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
dunnshelby completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
wwright just submitted their entry for Bella.
lwheeler joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
jrobertson joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
erica00 completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
anthonyrowe just submitted their entry for Oliver.
andrea37 joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
fwebb completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
umcdowell referred a friend to the contest to climb the leaderboard.
harrisvictoria just submitted their entry for Rocco.
lisalittle joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
pfrancis completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
pwilliams joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.
cooperlisa just submitted their entry for Oliver.
dawsonvictoria just submitted their entry for Oliver.
tammyhaley completed a PupWise micro-learning and earned 10 points.
tiffanyjohnson joined the PupWise app and scored 100 points.